BLOG: Workplace Communication Skills

by Betty Lochner

Communication Tip: Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. – Joyce Meyer

Get Comfortable with Uncomfortable Communication

If you want to improve your communication skills and become a more confident communicator there is...

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How well do you communicate? | Assess your communication skills
Communication works for those who work at it. ~ John Powell

Every contact we make involves communications skills - speaking and listening,  speech patterns, the words we use, the tone of our voice, our body language and even the...

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Using Emotional Intelligence to Improve Communication Skills

Last month I gave a presentation for the 11th Annual Washington State Government Lean Transformation Conference. I have attended and/or spoken at all of the conferences, and they are always a highlight of my professional development...

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My Top Ten Workplace Communication Tips

When it comes to improving your workplace communication skills, small changes will make a big difference.

Remember the David Letterman Show and his Top 10 Lists?  I know I'm aging myself here - I got hooked on them in college and still love...

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Three Tips to Prevent Communication Conflicts

Do you want to learn to prevent communication conflicts before they happen? Well, who doesn’t?

Communication conflicts happen. Even with good intentions, misunderstandings occur, and we can find ourselves in the middle of difficult...

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Tips on How to Deal with Difficult People

Do you work or live with a difficult person? Is there someone you need to have a difficult conversation with? Do you want to improve a relationship you have with someone at work or at home? 

It may not seem like it, but it can be done. First,...

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Virtual Listening in a Remote Setting

It is the recipient who communicates. The so-called communicator, the person who emits the communication does not communicate; he utters. Unless there is someone who listens, there is no communication. There is only noise. ~ Peter Drucker


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10 Ways to Be a More Positive Communicator

One of the most powerful ways to improve relationships is to simply be a more positive communicator. Positive communication is contagious and brings out the best in yourself and in those around you.

You never know when one kind act, or one word...

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Clarify Your Message: Three Steps to Effective Communication

I didn't understand, based on the words that were said. ~ Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion

One of the most common communication mistakes we make, and the easiest to fix, is how to better clarify your message so people understand what...

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6 Communication Steps for Dealing with a Hothead

Have you ever tried to communicate with a hothead without success?

If you have a hothead in your life, you know exactly what I'm talking about. A hothead is someone that responds or communicates in an impulsive, aggressive, or even explosive...

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