BLOG: Workplace Communication Skills

by Betty Lochner

Teaching Your Student to be Grateful

And all of a sudden it's back to school time for children of all ages. There is one habit I've learned as an adult that I wish I would have taught my children sooner as they entered school each fall: building the habit of gratitude.


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How well do you communicate? | Assess your communication skills
Communication works for those who work at it. ~ John Powell

Every contact we make involves communications skills - speaking and listening,  speech patterns, the words we use, the tone of our voice, our body language and even the...

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Simple Habits of a Confident Communicator

Becoming a more confident communicator is all about building good habits. Think about brushing your teeth. That’s a habit we learn at a very early age, and over time, it’s something we do without thinking every day. That’s the...

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Sorry, I Wasnā€™t Listening: 5 Ways to Model Better Listening Skills

I have a confession to make when it comes to listening skills. I’m an interrupter. When I already know what someone is trying to say, or I have a point to make, I just cut right in. I know I shouldn’t do it. I know it’s rude. It...

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Mastering Micro-Connects for Better Communication
I can live one or two months on one good compliment. ~ Mark Twain

Communication Micro-Connects and Appreciation

News flash: We live in a culture that is appreciation deprived. Studies show that up to 70% of workers feel they are not regularly...

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10 Ways to Be a More Positive Communicator

One of the most powerful ways to improve relationships is to simply be a more positive communicator. Positive communication is contagious and brings out the best in yourself and in those around you.

You never know when one kind act, or one word...

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