An Attitude of Gratitude: Simple Ways to Show Appreciation

the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.
An attitude of gratitude comes from showing appreciation and gratitude for others. It is one of the most powerful communication tools you can have - at work and at home.
- According to a study by Bersin & Associates, companies that provide ample employee recognition have 31% lower voluntary turnover rates than companies that don’t.
- 70% of employees say they don't receive appreciation for the work they do.
- Most important to remember: A job title doesn't make you a leader. How you treat, value and celebrate your team does!
When you show appreciation on a regular basis, it will open doors to a better conversation, a more positive exchange, and ultimately a better relationship. And the more you practice, the sooner it will become a part of your daily life.
So, to help you build your appreciation muscle, here are ten simple ways to add the practice of it to your daily life at work and at home.
1. Start your day with 10 "Gratefuls."
Each morning, begin your day by saying 10 things you are grateful for out loud - or write them in a daily gratitude journal. You can do this before your feet hit the floor, or as part of your morning beverage ritual. Use your 10 fingers (or toes) to count them off. It's important to make a habit by saying your gratefuls at the same time each day.
2. Say “please” and “thank you.”
This should be an easy one – but most people are “please” and “thank you” poor. Make it a habit to ALWAYS say please and thank you. Practicing kindness on a regular basis is an important way to show everyone you appreciate them.
3. Catch someone doing something right.
Pay attention to things going on around you and when something is going well, say so! Pop your head in a cubby and say something like “wow, you are doing a great job.” Tell your child you love the project they are working on.
4. Show genuine interest.
Take notice of pictures, what someone is wearing, or something else you like about them. Listen to their stories and show them that you care about who they are.
5. Go to lunch or take a break.
Give the gift of your time — go to coffee or lunch, take a break, or go for a walk and connect with someone on a more personal basis.
6. Give a small gift.
Give a favorite coffee drink, candy bar, or flower to someone you appreciate and just say “thanks for all you do”. It can be as simple as a sticky note with that same sentiment or go big and bring a batch of cookies or donuts to your staff or a neighbor for no reason.
7. Create traditions.
Come up with a silly award to pass around or show at staff meetings to acknowledge the hard work that’s going on, like the longest phone call from a customer, or the funniest incident. Or have everyone write down one person they appreciate and why and put them in a hat. Draw one out for a prize. This is also really fun to do at home!
8. Celebrate successes.
When things go right, celebrate! Acknowledge everyone involved, even for the small stuff. It can make a huge difference in office and family morale.
9. Say it out loud.
Tell someone you appreciate them in front of others. Tell your spouse you are thankful for them in front of the kids. Acknowledge someone’s work in a staff meeting.
10. Tell their boss.
Don’t you wish someone would do that for you? What a powerful way to show gratitude that can have a lasting impact!
The Benefits of Building a Daily Habit of Gratitude
Everyone has a real need to feel appreciated and valued. In practicing daily appreciation and gratitude for others, you will:
- find it's contagious,
- become not only a more positive communicator,
- become more optimistic,
- feel less stressed,
- and be generally happier and healthier as a result!
Betty Lochner is a leadership coach, and expert in workplace communications. She is the author of two books on communication, and a journal, Intentional Gratitude.
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